A loose impression of this very well-known landmark. Street scenes can be a little overwhelming for artists. All that detail! The answer is to simplify what you see. Ask yourself 'what can I leave out?'. A camera takes in everything but we artists can be selective. The windows on the bridge were quite important but with a feature like that, it's tempting to get a ruler and start drawing very straight lines. That would lead to a very stilted and boring copy, though. I sketched in their outlines 'freehand' and used my large mop brush to loosely paint the panes. The 'broken' brushstrokes give the impression of reflections in the glass. I also implied a few figures underneath to add some life and scale.
These watercolors are brilliant. Just learning, I've killed the luminosity on many sheets of WC paper so far and will kill it again when I get from my oil sidestep. I'd like to see more of your very adept work; I'll be back. I've learned in three years of blogging that to draw interest to your site, you have to show interest on other people's sites--let others know you're around. Bloggers love comments.Bloggers love followers. I'll be your fifth. You could come visit and me my sixty fifth. Don't give up. Your paintings are inspirational.
Hi Linda, thanks for your comments. Taking up watercolour, after painting oils, can be quite frustrating. With watercolour you don't get so many chances but, when it works, it's great.
Thanks for your advice on blogging. I have been trying to leave more comments on other blogs, of late. I'll keep at it.
Hello David, I wondered whether you still held classes at Collaton St.Mary parish rooms? My mother attended your classes and very much enjoyed the sessions but can't seem to find any recent information that you are still holding classes locally in the Paignton area? Thankyou, Julia.
Hello Julia,
I'm taking a break from running classes at Collaton St Mary parish rooms. However, it's possible I may do some more. If you email me (through my website) I can add your mother to my mailing list, and I'll let her know of any new classes.
Best wishes
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