Tuesday, 8 November 2016

'Trawlers at Brixham'

Yesterday afternoon I visited Seaton Art Society to do a demonstration. The theme was 'Creating Atmosphere' and my subject was a couple of boats in Brixham Harbour. The photograph I used as a reference was a bit bland and contained a lot of unnecessary detail. I simplified the scene considerably and, hopefully, created a more atmospheric feel with a little mystery.
Painted on Saunders Waterford 200lb NOT paper, stretched onto the board.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm on page 15 of your fabulous PAINTING IN WATERCOLOR and had to drop everything to follow you in every media platform you have, find out all your books, purchase them and measure wall space in my house to display as much of this exquisite artwork as possible! Thank you being so generous in sharing these images.