I do like painting rugged scenery, such as this. Luckily for me, I live by the coast and I'm close to a variety of rocky views. This was painted as a demonstration for a workshop and, unusually for me, I used a little masking fluid here and there. I wanted to show my students a range of watercolour techniques so I used some for the distant sparkle on the water, plus a few highlights on the rocks. I was then able to cover all areas quite freely, with an all-over wash, not having to worry about going over the areas I needed to reserve.
Once the initial wash was dry, I peeled away the masking fluid and then rapidly built up the painting in a couple of harder-edged washes. The foreground grass, being warmer in tone, provides some much needed aerial perspective.
David, I found your site through Pat Elliot and am enjoying your blog .. you paint the way I'd like to.. Your work is loose , easy and seemingly effortless, although I know there is much work put into each little gem you have here... BJ
Thanks Barbra. I'm pleased to hear that you like loose paintings. The actual painting bit is relatively easy. It's the planning before brush goes anywhere near paper, which is important. It's just as much what you leave out as what you put in.
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