Sunday, 28 August 2016

A few demonstration paintings...

My most recent painting holiday was at Art Holidays in Dorset. We were fortunate enough to have some good weather, which meant my group of ten experienced some outdoor painting at several locations.
In the evening though, I did some watercolour demonstrations in the studio. The painting above is a view by the lake at St Fagan's, near Cardiff.

Above: Ruins at Margam Park, S.Wales

Above: Bigbury Bay, Devon
In this painting I used a very rough watercolour paper (Jackson's Eco). The paper is handmade and has a very different feel and look to the Bockingford paper I used for the other two. Colours appear to be more intense, even though I used the same limited palette of 5 colours* for all three. I like to try different papers from time to time, and some papers suit different subjects. I think I'll probably use this one again.

*Cobalt blue, Alizarin crimson, Raw sienna, Aureolin yellow & Burnt sienna

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Painting at Slapton Ley, Devon

Above: Painting at Dartington Hall

Just returned from a weeks painting at Slapton Ley FSC. We painted at various locations in and around Slapton and experienced a whole week without rain... a first, I think. 
Below are some images from the week...

Above: Dartington Hall

Above: Painting at Torcross

Above: Haytor, Dartmoor

Above: My sketch of Haytor

Above: Classroom demo

Monday, 8 August 2016

Sketches from S. Wales

Some sketches from a recent course at Margam FSC in S. Wales. Weather was pretty varied, but we managed to get out to a few great locations including Caswell Bay, Aberdulais Falls and Dunraven Bay.