This painting was based on a photographic reference I've had for some time. Out on a walk one day we came across this scene on a rather dull and drizzly day. With no time to do a sketch, I took the photo hoping there might be something I could later use. As expected, when the photo was printed, the colours and tones were all rather flat. However, I liked the composition so I decided to create my own atmosphere and colour scheme... we're artists. We can do that.
Originally a winter scene, I wanted to hint at some autumn colours.
Having made a drawing on the watercolour paper, I wetted the paper all over and then washed in some warm and cool yellows in the background. On the bridge and water I used some cooler greys and blues.
Once the initial wet-in-wet wash was dry, I proceeded to build up the painting with more controlled wet-on-dry washes.
My photo didn't include any people so I consulted my sketchbook and added these two simple figures.